Several tools like static page generators and commenting platforms allow to use Markdown to write content. Learn the Markdown syntax in this tutorial.


Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. File format suffix is “.md” or “.markdown”. There are several Markdown “flavours” but the syntax is almost identical.


  • *italic*: italic.
  • _italic_: italic.
  • **bold**: bold.
  • __bold__: bold.
  • ***bold and italic***: bold and italic.
  • > Blockquote:


  • # Heading 1, ## Heading 2, etc.
  • ---: Horizontal rule.
  • [Link]( Link.
  • <>:
  • ![Evince]( insert an image.
    • You can add a “title” property: ![Evince]( "Evince")


  • `code line`: code line.

  • ```

    code block with

    several lines


    code block with
    several lines
  • 1. Ordered list.
  • - Unordered list.
  • \: Escape characters.
  • Tables:
    | ID | Name    |
    | 1  | Ricardo |
    | 2  | Jose    |
    | 3  | Maria   |
    ID Name
    1 Ricardo
    2 Jose
    3 Maria

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