Pods is a graphical program to manage Podman containers and images, currently in heavy development, for those who want a GUI for basic container management.

It’s available on AUR (Arch Linux) or as a local flatpak package (check their GitHub page for more instructions on that). Pods has two main sections: Images and Containers. There is also a menu button at the top right.



If an error about podman service not being started, try clicking “Start service”, or running (if you use systemd): systemctl --user start podman.socket. Podman service will be started by the socket.

To pull an image or create a container, use the menu. If the program crashes when trying to search for an image, check this post about possible Podman errors.

You can easily check which containers are using an image, or access real-time updated container logs.



This program is relatively new and it has several bugs, but it is in active development and most of the current features work properly. It’s a great app to test.

If you have any suggestion, feel free to contact me via social media or email.