In this new series I will show you some really interesting open source projects I’ve found that deserve a look.

If you develop or contribute to a project and you want to see it in the next post of the series, feel free to contact me on social media or email.

Note: some of these projects might be on a Beta/development state, and may crash or work unexpectedly.

Table of Contents


A fast, portable image viewer written in Rust. Just download the binary from, make it executable and run it. You can do basic non-destructive editing: crop, blur, brightness, contrast, etc. Compatible with a wide range of images (including JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, SVG, WEBP).

There are several shortcuts available: left/right arrow keys to open the previous or next image in folder, i to open image info, e to open edit toolbox, mousewheel to zoom in/out, and more.

Because Oculante makes non-destructive editing, you can reorder the effects or remove each one individually.



A command-line batch renaming tool, written in Go. It can be as simple or as ‘complicated’ as you want, because it can do basic or complex renaming. Install it with go:

go install
  • Superuser privileges are not required to install it for the current user.

For example, to replace ‘xyz’ for ‘abc’ on all the files of the current folder:

f2 -f 'xyz' -r 'abc'
  • By default, it does not make any change, unless using -x or --exec.
$ f2 -f 'xyz' -r 'abc'
| ********************************** |
| xyz_one.mp4 | abc_one.mp4 | ok     |
| xyz_two.mp4 | abc_two.mp4 | ok     |
 INFO  Use the -x or --exec flag to apply the above changes
$ f2 -f 'xyz' -r 'abc' -x
$ ls
abc_one.mp4  abc_two.mp4

For these simple renaming you can also run:

f2 xyz abc

Run f2 --help for more info.


A music library and player, available for Mac, Windows and Linux (DEB and RPM binaries available).

To install Ferrum, just download the binary from and install it. For example, in Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo dpkg -i Ferrum-v0.16.1-linux.deb
# and if displays a missing dependencies error
sudo apt -f install

It looks simple but it has all the required features for an app of this kind.


If you have any suggestion, feel free to contact me via social media or email.