Second part in this series of posts where I show you some really interesting open source projects I’ve found that deserve a look.

If you develop or contribute to a project and you want to see it in the next post of the series, feel free to contact me on social media or email.

Note: some of these projects might be on a Beta/development state, and may crash or work unexpectedly.

Table of Contents


View your QGIS projects on your phone with this Android app. Save a project on the computer and send the file to the phone. Then, open the file with QField. It’s that easy. QField is more a viewer than an editor, but it’s a well-designed viewer.


Crow Translate

A lightweight translator compatible with Google, Yandex, Bing, LibreTranslate and Lingva. Download it from (for other installation methods, check It has a text-to-speech function.

Crow Translate


An enhanced ‘watch’ command. It allows to log the output and check the differences between each execution. Install it with cargo (Rust package manager) or brew. Highlight the differences by pressing D (press it more times to change view modes).


If you have any suggestion, feel free to contact me via social media or email.