Portmaster allows you to set up an application firewall with a simple interface to improve your privacy by blocking trackers, ads, malware or any other network connection you want.

Table of Contents


You can download Portmaster on Linux (DEB, RPM packages, also available on AUR) and Windows. Check https://docs.safing.io/portmaster/install/linux for more info about installing Portmaster on Linux.

It’s recommended to reboot your computer after installation.


After reboot, you can notice your computer takes more time to boot. That’s OK, the first time Portmaster needs to set up their components and download the filter lists (to block ads, trackers, etc.). You’ll see an icon on the taskbar (if your system is compatible with taskbar widgets). This icon will show an orange circle: that means Portmaster is starting. When the circle becomes green, you can start using it. Press the icon and select ‘Open App’ to open Portmaster UI.


Portmaster has three main panels: with the first panel on the left you can navigate through the app sections, the second panel shows the apps that are using network connections and the third panel is the ‘details’ section.


You can easily select an app or a connection to get more info about them. You can block all the connections of an app or block specific network connections (block IPs).


There are global settings and also app and connection-specific settings. In those settings, you can enable or disable the filter lists, add or remove rules and change other options.



By default, Portmaster blocks all incoming connections, but you can change that for all connections or only for specific apps or connections. To shutdown Portmaster, click on the bottom-left icon. To avoid Portmaster to start when the computer boots, disable portmaster service (sudo systemctl disable portmaster.service).

More info

For more info about Portmaster, check https://docs.safing.io/ and https://github.com/safing/portmaster.

If you have any suggestion, feel free to contact me via social media or email.