Mimic 3 is a neural text to speech (TTS) engine that can run locally on low-end hardware, and you can use it with the command line or with a web interface.

Table of Contents



  • Python 3.7+.
  • python3-pip (python-pip on Arch Linux).
  • virtualenv Python package (pip install virtualenv).
  • libespeak-ng1 (espeak-ng on Arch Linux).
  • Git.


Mimic 3 can run on x86_64 (amd64) and ARM (arm64 and armv7l). A dedicated GPU is not required (I can use it on a laptop with Intel integrated graphics).


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/MycroftAI/mimic3
  2. Change directory to the downloaded repo:
    cd mimic3
  3. Run install.sh:

Mimic 3 can be installed in more ways. Check the official documentation.


Virtual environment

Mimic 3 is installed inside a virtual environment, so in order to use it, you need to enter into that environment:

source .venv/bin/activate

When you want to exit from the environment, run deactivate.


A small HTTP server is available with a simple web interface. Enable it by running:


Then, go to http://localhost:59125.

Mimic 3 web interface

You can select the language and one of the available voices. Press Speak to process the text and listen the result. You can download the audio (WAV) by clicking on the three-dot button on the right.

Mimic 3 web interface

Click on Advanced settings to change some engine parameters.

mimic3 CLI tool

Mimic 3 can also be used in a Terminal. Although the server application (mimic3-server) is not required, it’s recommended because the processing is faster (voices are only downloaded once). You can run mimic3-server on the background (mimic3-server &) to not use another Terminal tab (and enter the virtual environment again) for the CLI tool.

The command syntax is very simple:

mimic3 --remote --voice <voice> "Some text" > output.wav
  • --remote is only needed when you are running the server (on localhost). If the server is running on another server, add the server IP after --remote.
  • Output files are always WAV files.

Run mimic3 --voices for a list of available voices. For example, to use a spanish voice:

mimic3 --voice es_ES/carlfm_low "Texto en español" > tts.wav

When several speakers are available for each voice, add --speaker <name or number> (if not used, the first voice is selected):

mimic3 --remote --voice es_ES/m-ailabs_low --speaker karen_savage "Prueba de texto" > output.wav

Other available parameters are:

  • --play-program <program>: play the resulting audio with <program>. For example, to play the audio with play (from sox package), add --play-program play. Do not redirect the output to a file (> out.wav) or use the --output-dir parameter because you won’t hear anything.
  • --output-dir <DIR>: specify an output directory (e.g.: --output-dir ~/Music/). It’s the same as redirecting the output to <DIR>/<file> (> ~/Music/out.wav). Use it with --output-naming time to avoid naming the file as the input text.
  • --length-scale <number>: change the speaking rate (default 1, less than 1 for faster speak, more than 1 for slower speak). This is inverse to the Speaking rate option on the web interface.

Run mimic3 --help for more info.

If you have any suggestion, feel free to contact me via social media or email.