In addition to PuTTY (How to use PuTTY), there is another popular software for connecting to remote servers, MobaXterm.


  • SSH and SFTP client.
  • X11 server to display your remote GUI apps.
  • Multi-execution (you can create several tabs).

Instructions for connecting to a server through SSH:

  1. Download and install MobaXterm (Download MobaXterm).
  2. Click “Session” icon at the top-left. MobaXterm main window
  3. Click “SSH”.
  4. Type the public IP or the public DNS on “Remote Host”.
  5. Click on “Specify username” and type the username.
  6. Click on “Advanced SSH settings”.
  7. Click on “Use private key” and click on the file icon inside the input box. MobaXterm SSH window
  8. Select the Private Key
  9. Click on “Bookmark settings” and type a Session Name.
  10. Click “OK”.
  11. Double-click on the session name (on the left menu) to connect.

If you have any suggestion, feel free to contact me via social media or email.