Tutorials - page 11 Tags: ai android announcement appimage arch-linux audio backup basics boot cli-tools containers curl databases dd distros featured gui hacking lists markdown multimedia pdf python quick-tip remote repositories security social spanish ssh storage usb video virtualization Syncthing: synchronizing files without a 'cloud' (Nov 14, 2021) SoX: process audio files with one command (Nov 14, 2021) Processing JSON objects with jq (Nov 14, 2021) AppImage: run apps as a normal user without installing them (Nov 13, 2021) Useful dpkg-reconfigure commands (Nov 12, 2021) Add an OCR layer to a PDF with Tesseract and OCRmyPDF (Nov 11, 2021) File managers (Nov 07, 2021) How to set permissions for specific users (Nov 05, 2021) tee and process substitution: how to pipe one output to several processes (Nov 05, 2021) Linux documentation in the Terminal: man and info (Nov 03, 2021) Recover deleted files with foremost (Nov 02, 2021) ZFS: basic usage (Nov 01, 2021) TCP Wrappers (Oct 31, 2021) How to set up an SFTP server (Oct 31, 2021) How to run Linux processes in background (Oct 30, 2021) pdfgrep: search text in PDF files (Oct 30, 2021) Poppler: command-line PDF tools (Oct 30, 2021) Running desktop apps on Docker containers: X11 forwarding (Oct 29, 2021) Wine: using Windows software on Linux (Oct 28, 2021) Cygwin: GNU tools and other Linux utilities on Windows (Oct 28, 2021) Using GnuPG to encrypt or sign documents (Oct 27, 2021) How to use your PC as a WiFi Hotspot (Oct 26, 2021) Backup methods (II): ReaR (Oct 26, 2021) Backup methods (I): Clonezilla (Oct 26, 2021) << < 11 > >>