Tutorials - page 10 Tags: ai android announcement appimage arch-linux audio backup basics boot cli-tools containers curl databases dd distros featured gui hacking lists markdown multimedia pdf python quick-tip remote repositories security social spanish ssh storage usb video virtualization The best free online multimedia processing tools (Dec 18, 2021) Penetration testing with Kali Linux (I): Metasploit Framework (Dec 18, 2021) Fonts in Linux (Dec 16, 2021) How to stabilize a video using ffmpeg (Dec 12, 2021) Best Linux OS for Windows users (Dec 10, 2021) Markdown editors (Dec 09, 2021) Backup methods (IV): rsync (Dec 09, 2021) Package manager frontends (Dec 08, 2021) Quickemu: an alternative to GNOME Boxes for using virtual machines (Dec 07, 2021) Free cloud storage services (Dec 07, 2021) test command: test conditions in Bash (Dec 03, 2021) Open source apps in Android: where to find them (Dec 01, 2021) Open source front-ends to popular services (Nov 29, 2021) How to install VirtualBox on Arch (Nov 28, 2021) How to read office documents in the terminal (Nov 27, 2021) lsblk: list block devices (Nov 25, 2021) How to use 'sort' (Nov 23, 2021) Gnuplot: making plots with the Terminal (Nov 22, 2021) Making files unrecoverable (Nov 22, 2021) Examples of the dd command usage (Nov 20, 2021) Backup methods (III): dd / tar (Nov 20, 2021) Command line calculators (Nov 18, 2021) How to split files (Nov 17, 2021) aria2: a versatile download utility (Nov 15, 2021) << < 10 > >>